Divine Pregnancy Yoga Benefits and Care of Your baby

The Hindu Portal
 Pregnancy Yoga
Pregnancy Yoga
Practicing Yoga through pregnancy can help you to prepare for the challenges of pregnancy and birth. Pregnancy Yoga is a gentler form of Yoga you may be used to seeing and hearing about. The positions or postures will be adapted so they are suitable for pregnant women.

Your Pregnancy Yoga teacher will teach you breathing exercises which can be extremely helpful when you’re in labour. You will also learn how to relax and deal with stress and anxiety which can be common in pregnancy.

What should I take to my first Pregnancy Yoga Class?

The benefits of practicing yoga are many, especially during pregnancy, because this is the time when you need to be healthier than before. So, if you are attending your class for the very first time during pregnancy, you will need to make a checklist of some important things that you’ll need to carry.

While most yoga classes will provide mats, sometimes on rent and sometimes free, the best thing to do will be to carry your own mat. You don’t want to catch any bacteria that might be there on the mats that are not cleaned regularly.

There are many yoga institutes that will provide blocks that make it easier to get into certain yoga positions. Ask your pregnancy yoga instructor to see if these are provided.

You may need to take a blanket or a cushion for comfort to help you get into certain postures and keep you warm. It’s a good idea to take a bottle of water with you to the class in case you get thirsty.
Always dress in light and loose yoga clothing that won’t restrict your movements. Wearing layers is always a good idea so you can take the layers off if and when you get too hot. You won’t need to take any special shoes for your pregnancy yoga because is usually practiced barefoot.

Also, make sure that you inform your yoga instructor of any medical issues that you may have. This will help the yoga teach in chalking out a course of exercise that’ll be safe for the mother and the baby.

Is your instructor properly qualified?

There is nothing better than opting for a pregnancy yoga class if you are conceiving. But before deciding on a yoga class, you will need to make sure that the yoga instructor has proper qualification and experience to teach yoga to pregnant woman. And there are many ways of finding this out.

Start by checking their website. If the yoga teacher has additional qualification to teach yoga to pregnant woman, it will be mentioned on the website. Also, make sure that the instructor is registered with a higher governing body such as the American Yoga Association, ( You can find In India here )and is a member of the same. The yoga instructor will also need to have a track record of teaching yoga to pregnant woman before. Only and experienced yoga teacher can teach you the proper pregnancy yoga exercises that are fit for a woman during her delicate times.

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