Location: at the base of the spine, in the area between the anus and groin.
Symbolical representation: a lotus flower with 4 petals, symbolizing the four energy channels (nadis) situated here.
Represents: the objective consciousness, concrete thinking, terrestrial consciousness.
Controlled psychic function: the will to survive, controls the survival instinct, the inner state of safety, self-confidence on a physical level, desire for material possessions, the chosen profession or job, the feeling of security, the need to belong to a group and the group (family) identity.
Essential fears: fear of physical harm; abandonment by the group, losing physical control, fear of being attacked or aggressed.
Characteristic reactions due to an energy disturbance: fear and/or the need to run away.
The element it resonates with: the subtle energies of the earth.
Sensory organ: the nose.
Sense: smell.
Characteristic color: clay-yellow.
The Muladhara is one of the seven Primary Chakras, and is associated with the element: Earth, representing the densest grade of manifestation. In the Kundalini-yoga system of Shaktism, the Muladhara Centre is described as having four petals, corresponding to the psychological states of greatest joy, natural pleasure, delight in controlling passions, and blissfulness in concentration. All these qualities correspond to the bliss of realising the Divine in the physical body. The highest and most complete forms of spirituality do not reject the body, but see it as the vehicle for the transmutation of the body and the spirit together.
It is, according to Shakta Tantric doctrine, the seat of Kundalini, the latent cosmic energy or shakti that resides in every living being. When this latent power is activated through Hatha Yoga practicises (pranayama, purification of the nadis, etc), it rises through each of the rear or spinal chakras, and up through the top of the head, to the Sahasrara or "Thousand Petalled Lotus" located above the crown. There it unites with its opposite polarity, the Paramashiva or Supreme Godhead Consciousness, and the yogi attains total Liberation from phenomenal reality.
Colours associated with this chakra are red, yellow, and golden. It could be considered the bliss centre for physical body.
On the level belonging to the first chakra, we learn that we belong to a group, to a community, and that we have a close connection with it. On the physical level, this is expressed through feelings such as: stability, safety and survival.
When we are born, our life depends on the group that we belong to, on our family. Being a part of the group is a necessity on this level, because our fundamental needs for survival (food, shelter, clothing) are provided by the group.
At this level there is great difficulty in interpreting symbolically, or perceiving the real significance of the events in our lives.
Generally, the human being does not manifest as a conscious being, with a will of his/her own. This sense of identity is developed later on, through stages, from childhood to adulthood.
Life begins and we quickly start to belong to the consciousness of a group from which we assimilate a system of values, transmitted from one generation to another, but from whom we also take preconceived ideas, fears, and weaknesses.
The interaction with a group teaches us to share our experiences with other people.
Symbolical representation: a lotus flower with 4 petals, symbolizing the four energy channels (nadis) situated here.
Represents: the objective consciousness, concrete thinking, terrestrial consciousness.
Controlled psychic function: the will to survive, controls the survival instinct, the inner state of safety, self-confidence on a physical level, desire for material possessions, the chosen profession or job, the feeling of security, the need to belong to a group and the group (family) identity.
Essential fears: fear of physical harm; abandonment by the group, losing physical control, fear of being attacked or aggressed.
Characteristic reactions due to an energy disturbance: fear and/or the need to run away.
The element it resonates with: the subtle energies of the earth.
Sensory organ: the nose.
Sense: smell.
Characteristic color: clay-yellow.
The Muladhara is one of the seven Primary Chakras, and is associated with the element: Earth, representing the densest grade of manifestation. In the Kundalini-yoga system of Shaktism, the Muladhara Centre is described as having four petals, corresponding to the psychological states of greatest joy, natural pleasure, delight in controlling passions, and blissfulness in concentration. All these qualities correspond to the bliss of realising the Divine in the physical body. The highest and most complete forms of spirituality do not reject the body, but see it as the vehicle for the transmutation of the body and the spirit together.
It is, according to Shakta Tantric doctrine, the seat of Kundalini, the latent cosmic energy or shakti that resides in every living being. When this latent power is activated through Hatha Yoga practicises (pranayama, purification of the nadis, etc), it rises through each of the rear or spinal chakras, and up through the top of the head, to the Sahasrara or "Thousand Petalled Lotus" located above the crown. There it unites with its opposite polarity, the Paramashiva or Supreme Godhead Consciousness, and the yogi attains total Liberation from phenomenal reality.
Colours associated with this chakra are red, yellow, and golden. It could be considered the bliss centre for physical body.

On the level belonging to the first chakra, we learn that we belong to a group, to a community, and that we have a close connection with it. On the physical level, this is expressed through feelings such as: stability, safety and survival.
When we are born, our life depends on the group that we belong to, on our family. Being a part of the group is a necessity on this level, because our fundamental needs for survival (food, shelter, clothing) are provided by the group.
At this level there is great difficulty in interpreting symbolically, or perceiving the real significance of the events in our lives.
Generally, the human being does not manifest as a conscious being, with a will of his/her own. This sense of identity is developed later on, through stages, from childhood to adulthood.
Life begins and we quickly start to belong to the consciousness of a group from which we assimilate a system of values, transmitted from one generation to another, but from whom we also take preconceived ideas, fears, and weaknesses.
The interaction with a group teaches us to share our experiences with other people.
- This behavioral guide is at the basis of the educational process for children during their first years of their life, leading to the emergence of the feeling known as belonging.
- The group we belong to gives us our first lessons in life. It represents the world as secure or dangerous, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, a place to take from or a place to give to. And the group is the one providing the first information we receive about reality itself.
- We also inherit from our group our attitude towards other groups, as well as a system of beliefs that are a mixture of truth and fiction.
- Many of these beliefs have an authentic value, representing the various aspects of the fundamental truth synthesized by the expression: “All is one.”
- The process of spiritual development challenges us to keep only the groups that have a positive influence on us, and to discard all the rest.
- Our spiritual force grows when we become capable of seeing beyond the inherent contradictions of group teachings and reach a deeper level of the truth.
- Every time we take a step towards the symbolic consciousness, we bring a positive influence into our energetical and biological systems.
- Each one of the beliefs that come from the group directs a certain degree of our energy in an act of creation, and thus have a direct consequence on us.
- When we share a belief with other groups, we take part in the physical and energetical events created by those groups. At this level, this is the symbolic and creative expression of the sacred truth “All is one.”
- The bad part is that the individual personalities of groups involved in a negative action rarely accept their responsibility and their personal role in that action.
- The unwritten laws of the group state that the leaders of the group should take full responsibility, not the followers.
- Because of the “power” of these beliefs, be they good or bad, it is difficult remain in a state of harmony with the group all the time. Thus, we are taught to make the choices that meet the group’s approval, and to adopt the same attitudes and social manners.
- Symbolically, this adaptation reflects the union of the individual will with the will of the entire group. It is a powerful feeling of belonging to a family or a group in which there is a deep harmony on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
- Such a union gives us power as long as we continue to make choices according to the general tendencies of the group. At the same time, we have an inner tendency to explore our own creative abilities and to develop our inner individual force.
- This desire is behind all our attempts of becoming “conscious”. Traveling towards perfection requires that we become aware of our power and that we find the best suitable way of using it.
- Becoming aware of the responsibility hiding behind a choice represents the essence of this journey.
- Considering things from this perspective, evaluating our personal beliefs and separating those that no longer sustain our spiritual evolution is extremely challenging, and very painful as well.
- Change is the very nature of life. It is the only real constant in life. Inner and outer change happens all the time. Inner transformation means giving up certain beliefs and reinforcing others.
- The first beliefs we need to analyze are the beliefs of the group we belong to. They were formed during a great time span and have become a crucial factor in our evolution. Our spiritual growth follows the structure of our energetical system, which is often used in service of these beliefs.
- The evaluation of our beliefs is a spiritual necessity. The moments of crisis in our lives often emphasize the fact that we need to free ourselves from the beliefs that no longer sustain our spiritual development.
- The points in time during which we need to choose between evolving and stagnating are our most important trials. Each new crossroad means entering a new cycle of change, and change inevitably means leaving that which is familiar and known at the current stage in our lives and heading up to a new one.
- The great majority of people get stuck in between two worlds: one that they need to break free from and the other in which they are afraid to step.
- We wish to become more conscious, but at the same time this requires becoming more responsible for ourselves – for our health, career, attitudes and thoughts. Once we accept this fact, we will never be able to avoid the consequences of our personal choices.
- Having an energetical dominance at this level is the sign of an excessive preoccupation of not getting hurt by the others.
- The person becomes more and more afraid of being attacked, or on the contrary, has a strong tendency of attacking others, according to the polarity on which this imbalance manifests itself.
- The fear involved here is often intense, irrational, associated to the roles of hunter and hunted. The primitive societies preoccupied mainly with hunting, in which the main issue was survival in their natural environment reflect the dominance of the unilateral activation of Muladhara chakra .
- Furthermore, this activation is reflected in all social circumstances in which the law is temporarily suspended or destroyed or even if it is applied excessively and rigidly.
- The deities that correspond to Muladhara chakra are known as Brahma and Dakini and their symbolic animal is the elephant.

Terminology | Tantric | muladhara, adhara, mula chakra or padma, brahma padma or bhumi chakra, chaturdala, chatuhpatra |
Vedic (late Upanishads) | muladhara, adhara, mulakanda, brahma | |
Puranic | muladhara, adhara | |
Position | externally, perineal region, close to anus | |
Petals | number | four; arranged from right to left |
colour | blood-red (deep red), shining red, yellow, golden (shining yellow) | |
Matrika-letters | on petals | four in number; Wang Shang Shang Sang, arranged from right to left |
colour | gold (shining yellow), blood red (deep red) | |
Vrittis | on petals | four in number; arranged from right to left |
name | 1 greatest joy; 2 natural pleasure; 3 delight in controlling passion; 4 blissfulness in concentration | |
In the pericarp | quadrangular Earth-region | |
colour of the Earth Region | yellow, golden (shining yellow) | |
Earth-bija (in Earth Region) | Lang | |
colour of Earth-bija | yellow, shining yellow | |
Form of Earth-bija | deity Indra | |
Concentration form of Indra | Indra is yellow in colour, four-armed, holding the Vajra and a blue lotus in his hands, mounted on the white elephant Airawata | |
In the bindu of Lang | deity Brahma | |
Concentration form of Brahma | Brahma is deep red, young, four-faced, three-eyed, four-armed, holding a staff, a sacred water-pot, and a rosary of rudraksha, and making the gesture of dispelling fear; seated on a swan | |
Presiding divinity | power Dakini | |
Concentration of Dakini | Dakini is shining red or shining white in colour; she has beautifull face with three eyes; four-armed, holding a trident, a skulled staff, a swan and a drinking vessel; seated on a red lotus | |
Triangle colour | shining deep red | |
Swayambhu-linga | location | inside the triangle |
form | broad at the bottom and tapers to a point at the top | |
colour | shining deep red, black (or green), golden (shining yellow) | |
Kundalini as Kula-Kundalini | Supremely subtle, lightning-like splendorous; also of shining red, white and black (or dark-green) colour; in three and a half coils around Swayambhu-linga |