Benefits of Divine Yoga

The Hindu Portal
3 minute read
The benefits of practicing Divine yoga are many; if you are passionate about practicing yoga, more sooner than later you are going to reap its benefits like getting fewer colds, feeling at ease and relaxed and sleeping better. Western science is beginning to find some concrete clues in the way yoga works.

Divine yoga helps to improve health, heal pains and aches while keeping sickness at bay. If you experience swelling in the legs as a result of kidney or heart problems, yoga helps a great deal. The importance of a yoga course includes:

Improves depression

Well, there are a lot of things you can do to make yourself feel better when you are sad, like taking a Ferrari ride, or maybe hit the pub. But do these solutions really work in the long run, or especially when you suffer from depression? The answer is NO. One of the best ways to deal with depression, other than taking anti-depressants, is to include yoga in your daily exercise routine. Divine yoga increases the levels of serotonin in your body and decreases the level of monoamine oxidase and cortisol that are responsible for flaring up your depression. And the best part is, there are no side-effect as is the case with using anti-depressants.

Lowers body weight

Divine yoga can prove to be very, very beneficial if you are seeking on losing body weight. While dieters follow the policy of eating less and moving more, yoga can help you on both the fronts. Regular practice of yoga can help you burn the excess fat in your body by destroying all the unwanted calories. The emotional and the spiritual dimension of yoga can inspire you to manage your eating habits to turn you into a conscious eater.

Lowers blood sugar

If you happen to have high sugar levels in your blood, you can help here too. Divine yoga, if exercised regularly, can help lower your blood sugar and bad cholesterol level by enhancing the production of good cholesterol. This also works for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Divine yoga helps lower the adrenaline and cortisol levels, encourages weight loss and improves sensitivity to effects of insulin. Yoga can also help in preventing health issues arising out of diabetes, such as blindness, kidney failure and heart attack.

Improves the brain capacity

200 hour yoga teacher training is recommended for anyone looking for the best results. According to studies, practicing yoga regularly helps to improve coordination, memory, reaction time and IQ scores. Practitioners engaged in yoga and meditation prove a high ability of solving problems and acquiring and recalling information better. This is attributed to the fact that there is less distraction of the thoughts.

Helps with relaxing

The practice of Divine yoga helps the practitioner to relax, slow the process of breathing and shifts focus to the present, by shifting balance from sympathetic nervous system to parasympathetic nervous system, which is more calming and restorative in nature. It helps to lower breathing as well as the heart rates, increases the flow of blood to the reproductive organs and intestines. Divine yoga also helps to decrease blood pressure.

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