Divine Pranayama, Part 3

The Hindu Portal
man focused on sexual continence controls and transforms his sexual energy into subtler
A man focused on sexual continence controls and transforms his sexual energy into subtler, psychosomatic energy that spreads throughout his body.

This process stops the physical formation and manifestation of sperm. Pranayama helps the sublimation of the sexual energy and its transformation into psychosomatic energy that spreads through the body, allowing access to elevated states of consciousness.

This process of controlling of prana, mind and sexual energy ultimately leads to the awakening of the fundamental energy, Kundalini Shakti and its rising to the upper chakras.

A healthy person breathes in and out about 21,600 times a day. Regular breath comes out of the body to about 16 finger widths from the body.
  • During walking, sleep, sexual intercourse, etc, one may perceive breath at about 20, 24 and respectively 30 finger widths. Rigorous physical exercises make this distance about 96 finger widths.
  • When the distance of the breath from the body stays at a regular limit, that person will benefit from a long and healthy life. If the breath goes beyond that distance, the person in question will life less.
  • Minerals, vegetal bodies, and animals are made of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen. Of all these, the most important is oxygen. Usually, the air we inhale has 21% oxygen. The air we exhale has only 12% oxygen.
  • Usually we use only 1/6 of our lungs’ capacity; especially
    the upper parts of the lungs are left unused. Pranayama may help develop the maximum capacity of the lungs activating areas that are usually inactive.
  • Activating the lungs to their maximum capacity may help a person gain immense vitality and force, as well as excellent health.
  • The great majority of people breathe irregularly, or even erratically and chaotically.
  • The breath is different in the case of men, women, young and old. Irregularities in diet generate irregularities in the process of breathing.
  • Fear, anxiety, tension, passion, violent emotions, diseases, troubles of all kinds, lead to a superficial, erratic breath. These things directly affect the breath, causing an abnormal flow of prana.
  • When unbalanced pranic energy circulates through the nadis it determines chaotic lung movements, which in their turn will influence the breath changing it into an irregular process.
  • Consequently, irregular breathing is the sign of an unbalanced activity of the energies. A person with regular prana circulation is safe from any diseases. Diseases are in fact energy imbalances manifested at the level of the physical body.
  • The control of the prana through the nadis will make the breath and the lungs’ movement regular and under control. Furthermore if the breath becomes regular, the flow of prana circulating through the nadis will also become regular.
  • Pranayama gives us the tools to normalize and control the breath in order to reach physical, energetic, and subtle purification.
Such purification leads to mental control and balance of the energies from each level of manifestation: vital, sexual, volitional, affective, intuitive, mental and spiritual.

PART 1   |   PART 2   |   PART 3
PART 4   |   PART 5   |   PART 6

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