Divine Pranayama, Part 2

The Hindu Portal
Controlling the pranic currents of energy and then directing them through Sushumna nadi grants the practitioner the capacity to control the mind and thoughts.

Through the control of the mind and the prana and also through the purification of the nadis, the practitioner may easily sublimate their sexual energy.

Pranayama teaches us perfect control over the mind and thoughts and consequently the control of the currents of energy that flow through the nadis.

Thoughts and desires are pranic manifestations that are more subtle than the currents of energy flowing through the nadis. Through the control of the breath we may achieve the control of these subtle currents of energy and of the nadis.

After controlling the nadis, we may then control our thoughts and desires and this is consequently crucial for controlling our minds.

The control of the mind and of the prana is an essential condition that allows the sublimation of the energies from the vital and sexual levels to the levels of volition, affection, mind, and spirit.

We may compare the example of the breath in a living organism to the wheel of a car. Networks of nadis, the mind, the thoughts and wishes may be compared to the finest devices of a sophisticated machinery.

Whenever the wheel turns to the right or left, the whole car turns in that direction. This is a good analogy for exemplifying the relationship between breath and the other bodily functions.

The most “obvious” proof for the presence of prana when breathing is the movement of the lungs in the process of breathing. If this function ceases, all other functions of the body cease as well.

You can control your inner forces and energies by controlling prana. The focus and direction of prana is a necessity for the balance of energy, including techniques for the direction of excess prana to other areas which are lacking, this is known by the name of pranayama.

Any imbalances of prana, be it excess or lack, determines the appearance of all kinds of diseases and affections. An even distribution of prana in the body usually guarantees that the aging and degenerative processes will be slowed down.

The purification of the nadis is essential for having a healthy body and a clear mind. You may easily obtain purification of the body, mind and nadis through pranayama.

It is also important to be aware of the fact that all impurities present in the physical, mental and ethereal bodies make the processes of transmuting and sublimating the vital energy more difficult.

Sexual energy represents a huge force for the human being. The sexual potential is in fact the deposit of an immense reserve of energy. A person should transform this energy and then sublimate the resulting energy to superior levels.

One should preserve the sexual energy and convert it into refined forms of energy for spiritual purposes, instead of wasting it through ejaculation.

Once tensions, obsessions, and stresses which originate in the various imbalances of prana are released, the mind is freed from its strongest attachment.

It is very important to know that mind, prana and sexual energy are in close connection and interaction, directly influencing one another.

The control of prana- vayu leads to the purification and control of the sexual energy and of the mind. Likewise, when the sexual energy is under control, the mind and prana can also be easily controlled.

The seed and the sperm are spread throughout the organism, in a subtle way. Influencing sexual desires, thoughts, and actions which are meant to satisfy one’s libido, determines that prana is transformed into a seed and is located at the level of the sexual organs.

PART 1   |   PART 2   |   PART 3
PART 4   |   PART 5   |   PART 6

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