The fifth Great Cosmic Wisdom of the Hindu pantheon is Tripura Bhairavi, associated both to the terrible force of destruction of the evil and impure, and to the energy of the subtle universal fire.
The implications of these aspects are numerous. For instance, the purifying action performed by the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi implies the manifestation of Her savior aspect, because She saves Her devotees from all suffering and negative karmic pressures.
From an etymological point of view, the name Bhairavi comes from three groups of letters, with precise semantics: bha symbolizes the act of preservation, in the sense of continuity, ra signifies ramana, the creative divine activity and va coming from vamana, referring to relaxation, or ceasing a certain activity.
Consequently, Tripura Bhairavi represents Gods extraordinary power to create, sustain, and at the same time destroy the manifested world.
Unlike the governing gods of the Hindu pantheon (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva ) who rule only one of
these functions, Tripura Bhairavi harmoniously represents two fundamental and apparently contradicting aspects of manifestation.
These aspects refer to bright beauty and terrible action found in creation. This perfect correlation of the divine attributes was also stated in the description of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Kali, however the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi specifically represents the terrible aspect of the divinity.
In other words, She signifies Gods amazing, colossal, unmatched and terrible force of action, which destroys all that is bad and impure and at the same time transforms evolves the various types of manifestation.
From this perspective, these transformations are “rebirths” from the ashes and sublimations of the various aspects of the Creation.
Consequently, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi represents the transformational power of the subtle fire (tejas tattva).
The great majority of people perceive the action of this extraordinary divine force and energy as a terrible and scary aspect, mostly because She burns and destroys all limitations, preconceived ideas, misconceptions and illusions regarding our individual existence.
![Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavis Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavis](
Although the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavis terrible force is difficult to bare for many people, Her specific action is necessary for protecting us from harmful influences and for guiding us on the spiritual path.
An eloquent analogical representation of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavis terrible action in manifestation is sometimes materialized in a womans anger, of even more concretely, in the prompt, firm, and determined actions of a mother defending her children against an exterior threat.
From a different perspective, associated with some very subtle and fine aspects of Gods creation, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi represents the supreme power of speech, whose deep nature is fire, according to the Tantric Hindu tradition.
Thus, She represents the divine word, the creative logos in its non-manifested form, as a pure and transcendent divine energy.
![Tripura Bhairavi Tripura Bhairavi](
She is both the supreme divine light and the extraordinary power of fire. Tripura Bhairavi represents the very flame of the divine consciousness, chid- agni, which is the Supreme Truth.
Another important element, known only by the initiates is that the Great Goddess, in Her radiant aspect, as tejas (the divine fire), is the governess of the subtle and essential realities that define the five elements, mahabhuta form the creation and the sensorial perception through the five sense organs.
These subtle realities are known as tanmantra and through them, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi grants power and energy for the action and manifestation of the elements and the senses.
On the other hand, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi is also known as Durga, the goddess who saves the devotee from difficult situations.
In most of her representations, Durga is riding a lion, a symbol of fire and solar energy. With a terrible and threatening attitude, Durga handles with great dexterity Her divine weapons, in order to destroy all enemies, demons, and disturbing negative forces alike.
Consequently, She helps the devotee to overcome any sickness, sadness, suffering, and ultimately death. We may also note the close connection between Tripura Bhairavi and Tara, as they both represent the logos, even if under different aspects.
Thus, while Tara represents pashyanti vak, or the enlightening logos, Tripura Bhairavi indicates paravak, or the supreme, non-manifested logos.
We may say that the enlightening logos on its highest level becomes transformed into the supreme divine light and the “warmth” of the divine consciousness of the Heavenly Father.
This observation is valid in reverse as well. Thus, the non-manifested primordial logos symbolized by Tripura Bhairavi is gradually shaped through Taras action.
The terrible form of the divine energy is manifested in the human being mostly as the “transforming warmth and ardor”, in other words the tapas.
We may better understand this aspect if we remember that when we are truly interested in a certain aspect, we naturally and almost entirely become focused in that particular direction that has caught our interest.
We are no longer interested in the so-called “temptations” of the world. Analogically, the taps represents this form of genuine, real, and complete interest in spiritual life, resulting in the lack of other desires.
This action characteristic to the tapas determines the appearance of heat generated by the force of spiritual discipline and aspiration, which helps us eliminate from our lives all that is unnecessary for our spiritual evolution.
In this form of her manifestation, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi is particularly worshipped by those who follow the path of discriminating knowledge, raja yoga .
As a natural consequence of Her divine protective action, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi grants the capacity of controlling the senses, thoughts, and emotions completely, also helping the devotee to successfully terminate his or her spiritual actions that require discipline and sustained effort.
![Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi](
As we already mentioned in our previous articles, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi represents the terrible form of manifestation for God.
She is in close connection with Chandi, the terrible, “angry” aspect of God. This goddess is at the same time the goddess worshiped in the famous Hindu poem “Devi Mahatmya”.
This poem is also named “Durga Saptasati” or simply “Chandi” and it describes the way in which the Great Goddess defeats all demons opposing Her.
This is partly why Tripura Bhairavi is also known as the “warrior woman”, who, through Her powers manifested as divinely inspired speech and extraordinary force of the subtle fire leads to a tremendous purification in the devotee’s heart.
She eliminates all the obstacles standing in the path of the awakening and elevation of the devotee’s consciousness. In her aspect of Chandi, one can invoke the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi in order to eliminate the obstacles that tend to block the path towards pleasure, prosperity, harmony and spiritual freedom.
Another form of manifestation for the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi is as the goddess Mahishasura Mardini, the ten armed glorious defeater of the demon Mahishasura, who is the embodiment of burning passions, especially sexual passions that tie the human being to this world of illusion and suffering through negative karma .
As in the case of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Sundari, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi “exists in and governs over the three worlds of Creation”.
However, while Sundari signifies the beauty of the three worlds, Bhairavi represents their terrible aspect. This is an important indication of the fact that in reality, beauty and the terrible, frightening aspects are mere facets of the divine unity in manifestation.
Tantric wisdom states that the human being will naturally go on the path from “terrible” to “beautiful”.
In other words, first the devotee has to face the transforming action of the heat and light of the terrible spiritual fire (Tripura Bhairavi), and only afterwards will they get to enjoy the “cooling” and divine beauty offered by Tripura Sundari.
On the other hand, the three-folded aspect of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi refers to agni (fire), vidyut (lightning) and surya (sun), which represent the three forms of light characteristic to the three worlds, the inferior world, the intermediary world and the superior world, corresponding to the physical, astral and causal universes.
The Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi is also depicted in the form of the three goddess who defeated the demons, from the text Devi Mahatmya. These goddesses are Mahalakshmi, Mahakali and Mahasarasvati, representing the three great forms of Lakshmi, Vishnu ‘s consort, Kali, Shiva ‘s consort, and respectively Sarasvati, Brahma ‘s consort.
These represent the three great forms of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi, as destroyer of the obstacles and hardships on one’s spiritual path.
The Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi is also the consort of Shiva in His frightening aspect, Bhairava .
Bhairava was known as Rudra, the “angry” god, who was one of the most important deities in the ancient Vedic pantheon, from which later on the Hindu tradition took Shiva.
Shiva is the peace and tranquility that follow after the terrible display of Rudra’s forces, whose main target is the “adjustment” of the devotee’s life to the parameters of the divine laws and harmony.
From this point of view, Rudra represents the terrible power of the divine logos, and therefore Bhairavi, His consort, is also known as Rudrani.
The subtle dwelling of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi is the subtle center of force Muladhara Chakra, placed at the base of the spine.
The Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi actually represents the ascension of the fundamental energy Kundalini and its purifying action through all the levels of the human being.
![Her face is as beautiful Her face is as beautiful](
powerfully than a thousand suns put together. She has three eyes and wears a tiara made of precious stones, in the shape of a crescent moon.
Her face is as beautiful as a lotus flower and Her expression is kind, happy and smiling. Her garments are red; Her breasts are stained with blood; She wears a necklace of skulls around Her heck.
In two of her four hands, She holds a rosary and a book, and with the two remaining hands She performs the gestures of knowledge, Jnana mudra and the gesture of granting spiritual gifts and power, Varada mudra.
Sometimes, instead of Jnana mudra She performs Abhaya mudra, the gesture of casting away fear. In some iconographic representations, the Goddess is sitting on a red lotus and in others She is sitting on top of a corpse.
The main characteristic of Her physical form is Her radiating beauty, which is in close connection with the manifestation of the subtle element tejas.
As for the ways to achieve resonance with the sphere of force belonging to the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi, they are mostly related to certain types of meditation, of which the most important is the meditation on the divine inner light, which comes from the Supreme Immortal Self, Atman .
Usually, this profound spiritual light is experienced through the third eye, Ajna Chakra . Nonetheless, the experience of the divine inner light is always accompanied by the experience of the inner sound.
Another form of worshiping the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi is the practice of the various forms of tapas. The spiritual tradition says that in the absence of the subtle, focused energy of the tapas, understood mostly as perseverance and continuity in the spiritual practice, spiritual progress is not possible, it cannot evolve from a desire into an actual fact.
A subtle form of approaching the tapas, as an act of worship for the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi is to gradually renounce all egotistic desires, all attachments and illusionary pleasures in order to become free from the karmic prison.
The highest form of tapas is that through which one succeeds in obtaining the perfect control over their mind and thoughts.
Consequently, the highest form of worship for this Goddess is to offer all our thoughts, with great sincerity and devotion to the sacred flame of the divine consciousness.
To put it in different words, this means to “dissolve” the content of the mind, sublimating it thus entirely in the subtle sound of the mantra, which represents the quintessential manifested nature of this Great Cosmic Wisdom, Tripura Bhairavi.
In ancient times, the exterior form of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavi was homa, the vedic sacrificial fire. This form of worship can be transformed into a subtle, inner form of worship through the offering of all thoughts and emotions to the inner spiritual fire of the logos from Muladhara Chakra.
This practically means the absorption of the mind from the senses, a process that resembles the so-called sublimation of the sounds, from their physical form, as words into the “light of the transcendent tranquility”, the non-manifested divine logos, situated at the level of Muladhara Chakra.
This way, the yogi who is perseverant and continuously walks the path of spiritual becoming will rejoice in receiving the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Bhairavis grace. He will receive significant beneficialial spiritual powers as well as the state of enlightenment and ultimate freedom.