The Circle of Creation - Purusa, Prakrtii and Gunas

The Hindu Portal
Circle of Creation
When we speak of Three Forces of Creation, or when we want to apply knowledge of Prakrtii – manifested nature of Creation, roughly said, or of Force of Creation or accurately of Cosmic Operational Force – we must know Action or Attributes of Force of Creation. The Three Forces are Force of Action, Force of Resistance and Force of Balance (Neutral force). These Forces influence each of the Worlds in their own way, in certain combinations with the World above them, which in the sense of Creation of Universe means that these Forces create entire Universe, and Forces nearer to the Absolute are not so restrictive as in our case, on our Planet or part of the Universe we are in. Hence, if we now for a moment limit to our Place and Time, we may say that Man and Nature around him – plants, animals, minerals, stones etc. – are under the control of Three Forces named in Tantra Gunas. Gunas denote Attribute, Function, Characteristic, but all these translations are not proper fully, but we have no better. They are known in Tantra as Sattva: Balance; Rajah (Rajas): Action; and Tamah (Tamas): Passivity, Resistance.

Prakrtii or as some translate it Nature (Energy, Law) – which is very bad translation, because it represents Cosmic Operational Force – is composite of these Three Forces, or Sattva, Rajah and Tamah Guna. Entire Universe is manifested with the help of these Three Forces or Prakrtii. Each aspect of Manifestation of Universe is under the control of Three Gunas (Forces). Each aspect that is created in further Creation or so called Evolution of the Universe is limited by additional Forces, i.e. Three Forces from the World above plus Three Forces from the Created Word and so on, and on.
In our case, in accordance with the Law of Creation, there are 48 Forcer ruling over us, or 48 Laws which manifest in this part of the Universe, or World 48.

Purusa or Consciousness doesn’t consist the manifestation of Three Forces, therefore It has no Manifested Universe or Saguna Brahman is manifestation of Three Gunas. Within Consciousness the Three Forces are in complete Balance hence there is no Creation. In order to be Creation, Three Forces must come out of the Balance which results in Creating the Universe. Which then implies that it is not Consciousness what Created the Universe, but Creator is Operational Principle of Consciousness or Prakrtii. Consciousness always stays as a Witness, as a Foundation where certain Creation of Universe happens (we might speak of millions of Universes – something similar as it is said in Quantum Physics).

When Consciousness is dominant, when Consciousness is fully Realized – said conditionaly – then there is no manifestation of Three Forces, they are in complete Balance which means that they cannot Create.

 Prakrtii is in BalanceWe might also translate Gunas as Restrictive features, Restrictive Bonds, which means that Consciousness is limited by them, bound by manifestation and there is no word about Consciousness fully Aware of Self, and bond in certain forms and objects of Three Forces Manifestation.

When Prakrtii is in Balance, i.e. when Forces are in Balance, there is no I Feeling, or Knowledge of I or I Am Sensation – to an Individual Conscious – nor there us any psychic vibration or activity. When Conscious is under limited feature of Prakrtii – or more precise when there is Sattva Guna acting in it – what appears is I Feeling or Knowledge of self. So we can say, that wherever is action of Guna within Prakrtii there appears Individual Consciousness or I Feeling or Knowledge of self. Without actions of Prakrtii and Sattva Guna there is no sensation of separate self, or Individual Consciousness.

In other words Wakefulness as a State of Consciousness is Guna Action. Objective Consciousness or Fourth State of Consciousness – Turiya – denotes Balance of Gunas and Consciousness reunited with Self, Purusa.

With Action of Sattva Guna (Neutral Force) within Prakrtii or Dharma of Sattva Guna, Universal Consciousness or Purusa becomes limited and there appears I Am Sensation.

Now, if we put down this to a world where we live in, and which is manifestation of great density of Laws, but which acts in accordance with Three Gunas or Three Forces, knowing that our I Am sensation or I Feeling – Individuality – is a product of Sattva Guna or Neutral Force, then we can understand why is it so difficult to enter Awareness, or to maintain I Am Sensation. The reason for it is because we can divide our world into Three Forces, but each of these Forces consists Forces from the previous world, which means that Neutral Force already consists additional Forces from the World above, and a man doesn’t feel Self, or that Self is under the heavy influence and Actions of Gunas from the Worlds above, which is manifested as a Mind that we know, limited, dull, passive, in heavy conflicts. Mind that we have and are Identified with is built in accordance with the World we are in, i.e. it is not our Mind, it is Mind filled with 48 Forces, said conditionally, i.e. 48 Laws which act in accordance with the World we are in.

None of the Gunas Act separately, but in combination with other Gunas. As soon as Sattva Guna appears in that moment appear both Rajah and Tamah Guna, if we observe it from an Upper Side of Creation. But, if we observe it from our point of view, which is Manifestation of it’s own kind, or Reaction of Lower World to Higher one, then we speak of dominant Guna which Creates by it’s Action other Gunas.

When there is Action of Tamah Guna a result is inertia, passivity, dullness, indolence and it Creates, in accordance to self, other Gunas. When there is Action of Rajah Guna a result is activity, reaction, direction and it Creates, in accordance to self, other Gunas. Tamah or Rajah Guna automatically create it’s opposite. Tamah creates Rajah, and Rajah creates Tamah. In accordance with it, or in accordance with Manifestation of the Universe there must be also an I Sensation so we can speak of creating of Sattva Guna in a moment of Action of any other Guna. We do not speak of Quality of the I Am Sensation, but it is logically tha, if man isn’t Aware his I Am Sensation cannot be proper or Genuine if it is under the influence of any of these Gunas, i.e. if his life is directed by Action of one of other two Gunas.

Characteristic of Sattva Guna, or Neutral Force is Knowledge of Existence and carries within happiness and a sense of relief. Rajah Guna characterizes action which holds “I” Sensation busy and Tamah Guna is characterized by a certain result of Actions of Action or enjoyment in a results of Rajah Guna Actions.

What should be added is that Sattva Guna doesn’t bring inertia as thought by many, because inertia is a result of Tamah Guna. Inertia means certain “stillness” of death, not balance of Knowledge. Each Action consists certain activity of Rajah Guna and Tamah Guna which are in some form of cooperation, we might even say a certain conflict which results with certain situation.

As long as Rajah Guna is dominant there are certain glimpses of Sattva Guna, i.e. certain existence that we feel as “I” or separate “I”, which is created by friction of Rajah and Tamah in which Rajah prevails. But when Tamah Guna prevails, after Rajah has been exhausted – when certain Action is completed and has no potential of Action – certain induration happens and what comes are Resistance or Death. Let’s say that as long as there is certain friction between Action and Resistance, there is some individual I who bears fruit of identification or bears fruit of it’s Action.

Human is born
Human is born
Human is born and lives his life under the heavy influence of Rajah Guna and when that influence starts to fade, he enters so called old age. In the moment when there is no Action of Rajah Guna dying happens, and Tamah Guna is increased. A constant fight between Rajah and Tamah within certain life result with what we call “our life”, because of Identification Consciousness with Prakrtii, or we might say that Friction of Rajah Guna with Tamah Guna keeps limited Consciousness under this Identification and sensation that It lives, exists. But that Friction, i.e. within that Friction we can identify Rajah Guna as main, as moving, and it is always in certain “conflict”, Friction with Tamah Guna. That conflict, fight, Friction between these two Gunas Identifies a Man’s sense of Existence expressed as “I” and we say that a man fights to live, to act and such. Our life, let’s say out of average 80 years, is divided on Three Periods in accordance with Gunas.

In Third part of Life within Life Tamah Guna is starting to prevail. And Human enters a certain rest, relief, inertia, decreased activity (said from a laic perspective on Life and Creation). That means that Tamah Guna is increasing within him which gradually leads to condensation i.e. dying.

It is called in Tantra a Friction between Creator and Destroyer, Creation and Destruction, Vishnu and Shiva.

A Mind is created by Influence Prakrtii over Purusa. Characteristic of Mind is moving, thinking, emotion. When a Mind starts to manifest towards cruder and gets Identified with material object, this process is called Mental Decreasing or Mental Reduction or Saincara Kriya. When a Mind is reversed and moves from material to Subtler and eventually merges into Cosmic Sensation of I that process is called Mental Attraction or Pratisaincara.

Saincara is a principle lead by Tamah Guna, Pratisaincara is a principle lead by Sattva Guna. Saincara creates static sensation or static “I”, and Pratisaincara creates Cosmic Sensation, or Cosmic Self.

Purusa (the Absolute, Original Consciousness) is not touched by attraction or rejection, Purusa is Nirguna Brahman.

“There is only The Highest Brahman and no other Entity. He controls this World with His Prakrtii and in time of Annihilation of The Universe entire Creation merges into Him. He withdraws Self Alone and His Created Universe.”

The Entity we know as Brahman is called Indestructible Consciousness or Aksara-Purusa for he never degrades from self or his position. He is Untouched and infallible. During Attraction or Rejection a part of Purusa which Manifests is known under the name of Transient Entity or Ksar Purusa.

Tantra states:
“This Universe is a form of Devii or Prakrtii. Everything manifested or visible in the Universe is consisted of Devii. I bow to this Goddess (Devii) which takes over the image of the Universe, as a Mother of Universe.”

sivaEntire Universe is a Creation of Creational Forces or Gunas within Prakrtii. A Mind we know is under the Influence of these Forces or Prakrtii, but part in us which always Witnesses, known as Consciousness or Atman is indestructible and is Nucleus of Brahman Alone. Within that Consciousness Three Gunas act and one of them, Sattva Guna creates individual sensation of “I” that we have as human beings, but limited “I” sensation. The “I” Sensation appears at Birth and disappears by Death, and what remains is Atman, Consciousness unconditioned by Creation and Destruction as Nucleus of The Absolute.

As long as Man is Identified with it’s Mind he cannot be Liberated, i.e. Consciousness which is Original Nature of Human, by Actions of Prakrtii within us – as in the case of Universe – gets mesmerized by Creation or Action of Energy therefore not knowing itself, i.e. Mind doesn’t return to Original State.

If we put this in everyday Work that we must do and which gets us out of circle of Samskara, or circle of Eternal Returns, we might say that Mind we have is Created by action of Three Forces which are not Balanced. Each our Action has a Reaction in the background, but also every Reaction has an Action in the background, to which Individual Consciousness or I Sensation is Identified with. The I Am Sensation which originates from Action of Neutral Force gets mesmerized by Action and Reaction, hence Identified with them isn’t aware of Self, i.e. doesn’t know Self, I Am.

Bringing Consciousness into Situations, also in internal Reactions and Actions, increase Consciousness through I Am Sensation which is Manifested Brahman in Internal Universe. Unmanifested Brahman is Fourth State of Consciousess or Original Consciousness which is like Space – Universe – which enables Action and Manifestation within it.

When a Man reaches State of Union through his Sadhana (Work on Self) within him stops Action of Three Forces, i.e. they come to Balance therefore all manifestations that we know as Inner Reaction or Action stop, and Man enters Nirvikalpa Samadhi, he’s Awake. Nirvikalpa Samadhi (Samadhi without any qualities – Gunas) is a certain “experience”, but we may call it State. If a Man stays in this State some certain period, as Teaching says 21 days without interrupting, he completely merges with Nirguna Brahman and death of body and mind comes.

You get clear, with this, why is it impossible to be constantly in Higher State of Consciousness, or Awareness, because it would be a certain negation of Gunas or Forces, and they could not perform action, which is impossible. But if a Man Consciously approaches every day life, Inner processes and External situations, he increases Sattva Guna which is a kind of Neutral Force of Action and Reaction, Creation and Destruction within us. Therefore, by Balancing self, he recognizes his Original Consciousness as Self Alone and realizes that everything that is happening within him is enabled because of this Consciousness, hence he is that Consciousness, the very Nucleus of The Absolute, It’s very Core.

Many wonder why is this needed to be known?
Tantric Practice
The answer is simple. If we do not know Self and Cosmology many processes stay unknown and Forces rule over us because we do not know them. These Forces we consider as Self, i.e. we are Identified with them. If we want to Liberate ourselves from Limitations, Limited Self, we must know how it works. Original Tantric Practice teaches that Tantra must have Three Qualities. Jnana (Knowledge), Bhakti (Devotion) and Karma (Action), which enable a Man to Liberate Self. A Man in his Original Nature is Consciousness alone in which all Creation is happening in accordance with Prakrtii manifested through Three Gunas or Three Forces. Each of these Forces may be a spring of limited I Sensation which by it’s Action traps Consciousness, which gets Lulled by Identification of Limited I with the game of Energy or Prakrtii. By knowing we begin to understand what this world means and we understand what it means when Tantra says that even Prakrtii is creation of Consciouosness Alone, which enables us to much better practice our Sadhana in which we recognize manifestation of Prakrtii as Consciousness Alone, which pushes us into Consciousness of Self.

Tantra is a shortcut, but at the same time a Walk on a blade of a sword. To Walk this Path, you must know it, you must know how The Consciousness Manifests, what is the meaning of Law, or Force or Energy, their connection, and it can be seen through knowing Cosmology or Inner Manifestation of Forces. But, you cannot know Self unless you have compared Part and Wholeness. Tantra is a Science which enables that Knowledge therefore enables Liberation.

Off course, what I have written here is just a part of Complete Knowledge of Manifestation, Prakrtii, Gunas, Creation, Destruction, Purusa etc. This here is not even one percent of Knowledge which a Tantric should possess and know, which enables him to Act and to Liberate Self. Tantra states that a Man must be Whole, and Whole Man doesn’t have only one Center and isn’t manifesting through one Force, but must control and know complete Manifestation and Self. Tantra is Esoteric Teaching and most of the Teachings, starting from yoga and further on, originate from this Science. But it is so Vast and Powerful that it cannot fit into these separate fragments of Tantra, but they can fit into It.
And because many things from this Teaching is not publicly given, nor clearly said, there are series of manipulations, series of frauds disguised under the mask of Tantra, and people deceived and used by “experts”. And that’s because every one who is on this Path must, as much as possible, inform about Tantric Science, which is a purpose of this Blog.

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