
The Hindu Portal
The Sanskrit word UTKATASANA comes from the root “UT” that means “to rise”. The English for KATA is “to squat”. Therefore, the translation for UTKATASANA is “the raised squat pose”.
This posture is presented in GHERANDA SAMHITA as follows: “Being squat and leaning on the toes, you raise your heels under the anus. The heels have to be apart from one another. Then, place your elbows on your kneels and your fingers on your face.”

  • Being squat you have to spread slightly your thighs in order to have the ankles apart from one another. You have to lean the entire body on the tiptoes. For that you have to move slightly your pelvis forward and to bring the buttocks as much as possible near the heels.
  • The elbows are placed on thighs near kneels.
  • The palms are under chin, with the fingers relaxed and placed on cheeks.
  • During this asana the eyes are opened and oriented in strabismus towards the middle of the forehead (AJNA CHAKRA). The breath flows normally.
This posture can be accompanied by certain BANDHAS or MUDRAS, such as:
1. ASHWINI MUDRA – the continuous contraction othe analf sphincters. This bandha generates the accumulation of energies in MULADHARA CHAKRA.
2. MULA BANDHA – the contraction of PC muscle. It is situated between anus and genitals. This bandha generates the accumulation of the energies in the genital area. Thus, the sexual organs are tonified.
3. UDDIYANA BANDHA. This will produce the transmutation of the sexual potential and the sublimation of the sexual energy into more refined energies.

During this asana we focus to perceive the telluric energies that rise through legs and activate MULADHARA CHAKRA. Then we perceive the ascension of the energy and its accumulation in AJNA CHAKRA. From the psychical point of view we perceive an enhanced inner power, harmony, a profound state of calm, lucidity and an elevated state of consciousness.

  • The feet and ankles get stronger. The toes are elasticized. The muscles of the legs are toned and the knees become more supple.
  • The constant practice of UTKATASANA gradually cures the painful diseases of the joints.
  • It stimulates the cerebellum activity. The reflexes become more accurate, and therefore the human being gets more agility.
  • The PC muscle becomes stronger due to ASHWINI MUDRA, MULA BANDHA and also due to the pressure of the heels on the anus. Thus, the flow of blood in the genitals is intensified. In the case of men, the hormonal secretion of gonads is enhanced, which leads to the increasing of his virility. In the case of women, this asana eliminates the pains during period and even the irregular periods. It is better to practice it few days before periods in order to obtain the best results of UTKATASANA.
  • The very well known yogi Brahmachary considered this pose as being very useful for getting a perfect control over the sexual energy.
  • When it is accompanied by Uddiyana Bandha, the internal organs situated in the inferior part of the abdomen will be irrigated with more blood.
  • If it is practiced regularly, this posture stimulates the cortisone secretion of the suprarenal glands.
  • The sanguine circulation is more intensified. Thus, the nervous system activity will be enhanced.

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