Esoteric treaties state that just as every being has a physical body, both men and women are surrounded by an “aura” of subtle energy (also known as the Subtle Body) which is visible to the sensitive eye.
The different subtle energies exist in the body generating a kind of subtle energetic field around the physical body, namely the aura, perceived only by people with paranormal capacities.
The aura changes co lour and shape according to the emotions and thoughts a man experiences; the colour and shape of an aura may vary according to the physical structure of that person.
The aura is said to have the property to contract or dilate. For instance, a happy person has got a “vibrant aura”, shining and radiant; but the aura of a sad, angry person is contracted, constricted and tensed, according to his negative emotions.
Scientific research in the past few years has come to accept the traditionalist vision on the aura. Thus, the photos obtained through the method of Kirlian photography clearly show the changes that take place in the structure and co lour of an aura.
The existence of an “aural field” or “chi” energy around the human body is the foundation for a lot of theories, which attempt to explain telepathy and other extrasensory phenomena.
Andrija Puharich, in his book “Beyond telepathy”, has biologically and physically proved the existence of the “chi” field of energy. In fact, the demonstration is a synthesis of Yogi and Shamanist teachings and it relies on the most accurate observations of subtle fields of energy.
In the Yogic treaty “Shiva Samhita” we find a clear explanation of the nature of the Subtle Body:
“In this body, the Great Central Axe (which is the Meru Mountain, i.e. the spine) is surrounded by seven islands (the vital force, blood, flesh, fat, bones, marrow and sperm/eggs). There are “rivers” and “seas” there, as well as prophets, wise men, gods, goddesses, intelligent beings, all the stars and planets, the sacred places of pilgrimage, altars and guardian deities.
There is also the Sun, the Moon, factors of creation and destruction, the five Great Elements: space, air, fire, water and earth. In the Great Central Axe there are all creatures, of all universes.
In this body, called Brahmanda (Brahma‘s “egg” or “aura”) we find an entire macrocosm and the “Moon” from which the divine nectar springs. It lies at the upper top of the spine facing down, allowing the nectar to spring forth night and day.
From a subtle point of view the ambrosia of the “Moon” has two “branches”: the first nourishes the body and keeps it alive, descending through the left side of the spine, resembling the River Ganges.
The other, shiny as the purest milk, comes in through the right channel of the spine maintaining and refreshing the “Moon” placed on top of the Great Axe.
The “Sun” is situated at the inferior region of the spine. From this inner “Sun”, placed in the area of the navel, a subtle channel springs, which leads the solar (Yang) energy upwards, through the force of its own rays, in the right side of the body.
This channel on the right side is another form of the “Sun” and it goes through the entire body, uplifting vital emanations and leading the soul to the Ultimate state of Freedom.
The human body is made up of roughly a few hundred thousand subtle channels, but of these, only 14 are of great importance. Of these 14, 3 are of utmost importance. They are: Ida (on the left side), Pingala (on the right side) and Sushumna (in the center).
Sushumna is the most important subtle channel. Ida is on the left side of the body and it “wraps”
around Sushumna, in a spiral like movement, until it gets to the right nostril.
Pingala is on the right side of the body and it “wraps” around Sushumna until it gets to the left nostril. The one who gets to know the mysteries of his own body and the micro cosmos contained therein will undoubtedly experience the highest state of consciousness.”
All ancient Tantric writings deal with solar – lunar symbolism, with the “sun” situated in the area of the navel and the “moon” situated on the crown of the head. They all mention that there are 3 main subtle channels (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna).
For instance, in Gheranda Samhita we find that, “The Sun is situated at the navel and the Moon at the root of the palatal arch.”
The subtle Body connects people to cosmic elements, it is a bridge between this world and the one beyond.
These Chakras do not exist in the physical body, they represent mere “plasma fields” of subtle energy vibrating on specific frequencies, with different shapes, sounds and colors.
Esoteric and occult Westal literature provides many descriptions of these centers. Most of these descriptions rely on C.W. Leadbeater’s works, of the Theological Society. Other depictions derive from Sir John Wooddroffe’s work (an English judge who lived in India for a period and translated some of the most important Tantric treaties).
Unfortunately, due to some errors, many contemporary works on this issue, (i.e.the subtle body and the existence of chakras) are wrong, often diverging in their main aspects from the concise and objective descriptions given in numerous Yogic and Tantric ancient works.
The most important aspect of the Subtle body and Chakra system is the Yin-Yang (solar – lunar) symbolism and the placement of macro cosmic energies. Thus the “Moon” is situated in the head and the “Sun” in the center of the navel.
Ancient Tantric
texts refer to the existence of four main chakras (situated in the area of the navel, heart, neck and head respectively). Each chakra is made up of a number of petals, symbolizing the natural color of that chakra.
The navel center is described as a lotus with ten petals oriented upwards. The heart center is depicted as a lotus oriented downwards with twelve petals; the neck chakra has got sixteen petals and is oriented upwards; the forehead chakra has ninety-six petals. This is a very simple vision of the Subtle Body.
Centers. situated below the navel are also described in these works. They are situated in the area of the genitalia and the sacrum, and are traditionally considered as being of a more physical nature than a subtle one.
According to traditional sources, the subtle center which is situated in the area of the sacrum has got four petals oriented upwards; the sexual chakra has got six petals oriented downwards. Tantric texts say that each of the four petals of the first center can be divided into three thus making twelve petals.
Meditating on the Subtle Body which is made up of these psychic centers. helps one to perceive the subtle flow of energy through the organism. For instance, Kundalini Yoga implies directing the sexual energy from the lower chakras to the superior ones, in order to accomplish the complete union with Shiva who is situated in the crown Chakra.
The simplest meditation upon the Subtle Centers. is that of picturing an opened lotus flower in each center situated in the area of the navel, heart and neck.
“The Subtle Body connects this universe to subtle universes. No object or doctrine equals in importance to teachings about the Subtle Body – the door opened towards Ultimate Freedom.”
Kaula Tantra
“The person who practices the high Tantric teachings becomes capable of perceiving all subtle vibrations, of directing them and making them ascend through the central channel, the Great Axis of the Subtle Body. When the four signs appear (a strong light in front of the eyes, smoke, trembling, and a cold radiant light, like that of a lamp) then that person is free.”
Naro Chos Drug
After a simple meditation on the Subtle Centers, the practitioner has to perform techniques which lead to the awakening of the fundamental energy, Kundalini (contraction of the anal sphincters, mental repetition of the seed-sound “hum”, retaining of the breath and erotic visualizations).
Further, visualize the image of Brahma appearing from the lotus of the navel, resplendent and radiant, surrounded by Kundalini’s radiation. Visualize Brahma’s appearance spreading light all around and identify yourself with it.
Then, focus Kundalini in the area of the heart center. Imagine her erotic energy penetrating this lotus and creating Vishnu (the Master of the seas, emotions, and blood flow in the body). Once more identify yourself with the appearance of Vishnu, the keeper.
Furthermore, direct Kundalini up to the crown lotus, where it reaches the pure domain of Shiva, the Transcendent. Hold your breath. If you practice this type of meditation while making love, you will avoid ejaculatory discharge. Try to enter into the blissful union between Kundalini Shakti and the male principle Shiva.
Some late Tantras give complex descriptions of the chakras by using sounds, colors, gods, seed- sounds, numbers of petals, psychological elements and qualities that from a synthesis of the connection between the inner and outer aspects of a human being.
Understanding the Subtle Body and chakra systems is the first step in reaching an ultimate state of Freedom, it is recommended to learn about them and take into account their basic structure.
Esoteric teaching states that the true desire for spiritual evolution must be met with conscious action in order to develop the Subtle Body. Though the basic structure and energies exist in each and every one of us, they must be awakened, focused and directed in a conscious manner.
Body, mind, and emotions should be directed in a conscious flow of energy to evoke the Subtle Body, which then serves as a source of power, intelligence to overcome the limits of the physical universe. This is one of the most important secrets of the Tantric tradition.
The famous secret treaty Shiva Samhita introduces us to an impressive meditation technique used to awaken Kundalini and the Subtle Body.
Practice: “Focus your mind on the chakra at the sacral area, contract the anus while holding the breath. Meditate on the God of Love (Kama), who dwells in this chakra. Visualize Kundalini waking up as a shining, subtle flame, whose nature is the divine intelligence itself. Picture in your mind the sexual union between the God of Love and Kundalini in the form of a flame, which makes the sexual energy enter the central nadi (Sushumna), successively penetrating the Chakras on its way up. Also picture the subtle red and white channels, on the right and left side of Sushumna, emitting an enchanting light pink color, which feeds and harmonizes your entire being.”
Tantric texts also refer to a chakra situated on top of the head. It is poetically described as the Lotus with a Thousand Petals, which the Shiva Samhita describes as being “beyond the micro cosmos of the body”.
All great spiritual masters are perceived as having total control over the huge energy in this chakra. Different traditions have come up with various types of meditation techniques for this supreme chakra, yet all agree with the fact that, the practitioner who focuses on this chakra comes in contact with the source and the cause of Creation.
By awakening natural inner powers, through different Tantric techniques, you will in fact realize the harmony between the psyche and the cosmos. People have practiced certain Tantric meditation techniques for thousands of years.
Nowadays, more and more people become familiar with these and prove their extraordinary efficiency. Understanding the subtle body is an extremely important aspect for those who want to explore their psyche.
Tantric couples particularly should explore their psyche more than the physical aspects during intercourse. Lovemaking offers numerous possibilities for discovering new things about another person. It is practically the only act that can give life.
Consequently, sexual love has profound mystical values. If a couple can learn how to use their sexual power in a creative manner, other than for procreation, they will gradually and intuitively discover the mysteries beyond this world.
The Subtle Body is the vehicle which helps the practitioner to go freely through this life to the future one and to enjoy the delights of the spirit.
The different subtle energies exist in the body generating a kind of subtle energetic field around the physical body, namely the aura, perceived only by people with paranormal capacities.

The aura is said to have the property to contract or dilate. For instance, a happy person has got a “vibrant aura”, shining and radiant; but the aura of a sad, angry person is contracted, constricted and tensed, according to his negative emotions.
Scientific research in the past few years has come to accept the traditionalist vision on the aura. Thus, the photos obtained through the method of Kirlian photography clearly show the changes that take place in the structure and co lour of an aura.
The existence of an “aural field” or “chi” energy around the human body is the foundation for a lot of theories, which attempt to explain telepathy and other extrasensory phenomena.
Andrija Puharich, in his book “Beyond telepathy”, has biologically and physically proved the existence of the “chi” field of energy. In fact, the demonstration is a synthesis of Yogi and Shamanist teachings and it relies on the most accurate observations of subtle fields of energy.
In the Yogic treaty “Shiva Samhita” we find a clear explanation of the nature of the Subtle Body:
“In this body, the Great Central Axe (which is the Meru Mountain, i.e. the spine) is surrounded by seven islands (the vital force, blood, flesh, fat, bones, marrow and sperm/eggs). There are “rivers” and “seas” there, as well as prophets, wise men, gods, goddesses, intelligent beings, all the stars and planets, the sacred places of pilgrimage, altars and guardian deities.
There is also the Sun, the Moon, factors of creation and destruction, the five Great Elements: space, air, fire, water and earth. In the Great Central Axe there are all creatures, of all universes.
In this body, called Brahmanda (Brahma‘s “egg” or “aura”) we find an entire macrocosm and the “Moon” from which the divine nectar springs. It lies at the upper top of the spine facing down, allowing the nectar to spring forth night and day.
From a subtle point of view the ambrosia of the “Moon” has two “branches”: the first nourishes the body and keeps it alive, descending through the left side of the spine, resembling the River Ganges.
The other, shiny as the purest milk, comes in through the right channel of the spine maintaining and refreshing the “Moon” placed on top of the Great Axe.
The “Sun” is situated at the inferior region of the spine. From this inner “Sun”, placed in the area of the navel, a subtle channel springs, which leads the solar (Yang) energy upwards, through the force of its own rays, in the right side of the body.
This channel on the right side is another form of the “Sun” and it goes through the entire body, uplifting vital emanations and leading the soul to the Ultimate state of Freedom.

Sushumna is the most important subtle channel. Ida is on the left side of the body and it “wraps”
around Sushumna, in a spiral like movement, until it gets to the right nostril.
Pingala is on the right side of the body and it “wraps” around Sushumna until it gets to the left nostril. The one who gets to know the mysteries of his own body and the micro cosmos contained therein will undoubtedly experience the highest state of consciousness.”
All ancient Tantric writings deal with solar – lunar symbolism, with the “sun” situated in the area of the navel and the “moon” situated on the crown of the head. They all mention that there are 3 main subtle channels (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna).
For instance, in Gheranda Samhita we find that, “The Sun is situated at the navel and the Moon at the root of the palatal arch.”
These Chakras do not exist in the physical body, they represent mere “plasma fields” of subtle energy vibrating on specific frequencies, with different shapes, sounds and colors.

Unfortunately, due to some errors, many contemporary works on this issue, (i.e.the subtle body and the existence of chakras) are wrong, often diverging in their main aspects from the concise and objective descriptions given in numerous Yogic and Tantric ancient works.
The most important aspect of the Subtle body and Chakra system is the Yin-Yang (solar – lunar) symbolism and the placement of macro cosmic energies. Thus the “Moon” is situated in the head and the “Sun” in the center of the navel.

texts refer to the existence of four main chakras (situated in the area of the navel, heart, neck and head respectively). Each chakra is made up of a number of petals, symbolizing the natural color of that chakra.
The navel center is described as a lotus with ten petals oriented upwards. The heart center is depicted as a lotus oriented downwards with twelve petals; the neck chakra has got sixteen petals and is oriented upwards; the forehead chakra has ninety-six petals. This is a very simple vision of the Subtle Body.
Centers. situated below the navel are also described in these works. They are situated in the area of the genitalia and the sacrum, and are traditionally considered as being of a more physical nature than a subtle one.

Meditating on the Subtle Body which is made up of these psychic centers. helps one to perceive the subtle flow of energy through the organism. For instance, Kundalini Yoga implies directing the sexual energy from the lower chakras to the superior ones, in order to accomplish the complete union with Shiva who is situated in the crown Chakra.
The simplest meditation upon the Subtle Centers. is that of picturing an opened lotus flower in each center situated in the area of the navel, heart and neck.
“The Subtle Body connects this universe to subtle universes. No object or doctrine equals in importance to teachings about the Subtle Body – the door opened towards Ultimate Freedom.”
Kaula Tantra
“The person who practices the high Tantric teachings becomes capable of perceiving all subtle vibrations, of directing them and making them ascend through the central channel, the Great Axis of the Subtle Body. When the four signs appear (a strong light in front of the eyes, smoke, trembling, and a cold radiant light, like that of a lamp) then that person is free.”
Naro Chos Drug
After a simple meditation on the Subtle Centers, the practitioner has to perform techniques which lead to the awakening of the fundamental energy, Kundalini (contraction of the anal sphincters, mental repetition of the seed-sound “hum”, retaining of the breath and erotic visualizations).
Further, visualize the image of Brahma appearing from the lotus of the navel, resplendent and radiant, surrounded by Kundalini’s radiation. Visualize Brahma’s appearance spreading light all around and identify yourself with it.
Then, focus Kundalini in the area of the heart center. Imagine her erotic energy penetrating this lotus and creating Vishnu (the Master of the seas, emotions, and blood flow in the body). Once more identify yourself with the appearance of Vishnu, the keeper.
Furthermore, direct Kundalini up to the crown lotus, where it reaches the pure domain of Shiva, the Transcendent. Hold your breath. If you practice this type of meditation while making love, you will avoid ejaculatory discharge. Try to enter into the blissful union between Kundalini Shakti and the male principle Shiva.

Understanding the Subtle Body and chakra systems is the first step in reaching an ultimate state of Freedom, it is recommended to learn about them and take into account their basic structure.
Esoteric teaching states that the true desire for spiritual evolution must be met with conscious action in order to develop the Subtle Body. Though the basic structure and energies exist in each and every one of us, they must be awakened, focused and directed in a conscious manner.
Body, mind, and emotions should be directed in a conscious flow of energy to evoke the Subtle Body, which then serves as a source of power, intelligence to overcome the limits of the physical universe. This is one of the most important secrets of the Tantric tradition.
The famous secret treaty Shiva Samhita introduces us to an impressive meditation technique used to awaken Kundalini and the Subtle Body.
Practice: “Focus your mind on the chakra at the sacral area, contract the anus while holding the breath. Meditate on the God of Love (Kama), who dwells in this chakra. Visualize Kundalini waking up as a shining, subtle flame, whose nature is the divine intelligence itself. Picture in your mind the sexual union between the God of Love and Kundalini in the form of a flame, which makes the sexual energy enter the central nadi (Sushumna), successively penetrating the Chakras on its way up. Also picture the subtle red and white channels, on the right and left side of Sushumna, emitting an enchanting light pink color, which feeds and harmonizes your entire being.”
Tantric texts also refer to a chakra situated on top of the head. It is poetically described as the Lotus with a Thousand Petals, which the Shiva Samhita describes as being “beyond the micro cosmos of the body”.
All great spiritual masters are perceived as having total control over the huge energy in this chakra. Different traditions have come up with various types of meditation techniques for this supreme chakra, yet all agree with the fact that, the practitioner who focuses on this chakra comes in contact with the source and the cause of Creation.
By awakening natural inner powers, through different Tantric techniques, you will in fact realize the harmony between the psyche and the cosmos. People have practiced certain Tantric meditation techniques for thousands of years.
Nowadays, more and more people become familiar with these and prove their extraordinary efficiency. Understanding the subtle body is an extremely important aspect for those who want to explore their psyche.

Consequently, sexual love has profound mystical values. If a couple can learn how to use their sexual power in a creative manner, other than for procreation, they will gradually and intuitively discover the mysteries beyond this world.
The Subtle Body is the vehicle which helps the practitioner to go freely through this life to the future one and to enjoy the delights of the spirit.