Techniques Sexual Energy

The Hindu Portal
Techniques Sexual Energy
This technique implies that you master the Uddiyana Bandha, as it was presented in our site, in the Tantric Yoga section.

Techniques Sexual Energy
1. Perform three Uddiyana Bandhas focusing your attention upon Manipura chakra – the area of the solar plexus – perceiving the activation of this center and the energy of fire inside of you. Next, direct this energy to the crown center.

2. Perform three Uddiyana Bandhas focusing your attention upon Anahata chakra – the area of the cardiac plexus – perceiving the activation of this center and the energy of air inside of you. Then, direct this energy to the crown center.

3. Perform three Uddiyana Bandhas focusing your attention upon Vishuddha chakra – the area of the neck – perceiving the activation of this center and the energy of ether inside of you. Then, direct this energy to the crown center.

4. Perform three Uddiyana Bandhas focusing your attention upon Ajna chakra – the middle of the forehead – perceiving the activation of this center and the mental energy accumulated there. Then, direct this energy to the crown center.

5. Perform seven Uddiyana Bandhas focusing your attention on the crown center. Perceive the energy in the area of the crown and the dilatation of the ethereal body.

You may continue to perform more Uddiyana Bandhas. This technique can be performed either together with some other yogic techniques, or separately.

Techniques Sexual EnergyBECOMING AWARE: perceive the sublimation of the energy along the spine and the
activation of the crown center, Sahasrara .

6. Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana, with your spine straight. Close your eyes, focusing your attention inwardly on the crown area, the physical area corresponding to Sahasrara. Keep the focus here for 15 to 20 minutes, during which time you may also use some appropriate music.

This technique implies that you master Nauli Kriya, as it was presented in our site, in the Tantric Yoga section.

Techniques Sexual Energy
1. Perform three Nauli Kriya focusing your attention upon Manipura chakra – the area of the solar plexus – perceive the activation of this center and the energy of fire inside of you. Then, direct this energy to the crown center.

2. Perform three Nauli Kriya focusing your attention upon Anahata chakra – the area of the cardiac plexus – perceive the activation of this center and the energy of air inside of you. Then, direct this energy to the crown center.

3. Perform three Nauli Kriya focusing your attention upon Vishuddha chakra – the area of the neck – perceive the activation of this center and the energy of ether inside of you. Then, direct this energy to the crown center.

4. Perform three Nauli Kriya focusing your attention upon Ajna chakra – the middle of the forehead – perceive the activation of this center and the mental energy accumulated here. Then, direct this energy to the crown center.

Techniques Sexual Energy5. Perform seven Nauli Kriya focusing your attention on the crown center. Perceive the energy in the area of the crown and the dilatation of our ethereal body.

You may continue to perform more Nauli Kriya. This technique may be performed either together
with some other yogic techniques, or separately.

BECOME AWARE: perceive the sublimation of energy along the spine and the activation of the crown center, Sahasrara.

6. Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana, with your spine straight. Close your eyes and focus your attention inwardly on the area of the crown, the physical area corresponding to Sahasrara. Keep the focus here for 15 to 20 minutes, during which time you may also use some appropriate music.

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