Spiritual Practice and Herbs Usage

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Spiritual Practice and Herbs
Using healing herbs is a simple, practical way, with spectacular results, to awaken the latent capacity of transmuting and sublimating the sexual potential.

Herbs can heal many physical diseases, although, in the countries of the Far East, there is an ancient tradition that uses herbs to achieve spiritual results.

Some Eastern traditional writings indicate precise methods through which spiritual results can be obtained by using herbs. One of them is the well known “Yoga Sutra” written by the sage Patanjali .

In the introductory Sutra from Chapter VI, entitled “The source of paranormal achievements” (Kaivalya Pada), the wise Patanjali asserts that the use of herbs is one of the five basic ways that can help one awaken and amplify some exceptional beneficialial endowments:

“The exceptionally beneficialial paranormal powers (siddhis) can manifest in a human being as a result of all the positive actions from previous lives, by the correct and perseverant use of beneficialial herbs, by using subtle resonance sounds ( mantras), by the means of austerities (tapas), or they can be the effect of some superior states of consciousness (samadhi).”

To understand how herbs can help the human being attain exceptional achievements, you need to understand that herbs do not only have a physical effect and these effects are not only a consequence of the active principles of the herbs.

Spiritual Practice and Herbs - Tulsi
Just as the harmonious whole of the human being can not be understood through a separate analysis of the parts of the physical body, the effects of herbs can not be understood entirely only through an analysis of what is called “the content of active principles” of those herbs.

The herb itself is not only the alkaloids, glucosides and saponine it’s made of, just as human life can not be explained only through the proteins, glucides and lipides of the physical body.

Even if all the substantial changes of our body were known perfectly, it would be not enough to explain the life of a human being in all its complexity.

This truth is already proved by the failure of the strictly materialistic theories on life and by the fact that modern, quantum physics with its superior theoretical and practical possibilities is replacing the traditional, Newtonian physics.

That is why studies are directed towards the great traditional knowledge of humanity. This is a vision the great indian sage Swami Yogananda welcomed joyfully as it unifies the immense material possibilities of the Occident with the precious spiritual treasure of the East.

Spiritual Practice and HerbsAccording to this vision, the substantial content of an entity (be it a stone, a plant, etc.) is the physical image of a greater, subtle manifestation, which can not be seen.

This substantial content has a significance only hen it is related to the energetic, subtle aspects that make its manifestation possible.

What is material does not support what is energetic or mental, but the more ample, energetic aspects
hold together the material parts in coherent structures and make them act in unison.

This characteristic applies to both objects and living beings. In the case of objects, the inter-atomic and intermolecular binds maintain their specific structure.

As for living beings, the energetic manifestations are easier to observe directly, without any sophisticated devices.

  • Herbs are considered to be the first life forms that came into existence. So, they represent a passing exponent from the substance without life to what we call beings endowed with life.
    Spiritual Practice and Herbs
  • That is why they represent many and mysterious manifestations of life on all its levels (physical, unsubstantial, astral, mental, and even spiritual level), in forms that seem rudimentary to us.
  • Extensive studies have proved the vision of the Eastern sages that: “Everything is spirit”.
  • Plants, just like a human being, are endowed with a “subtle, energetic body”. When a human being adequately assimilates the subtle aspects from the energetic body of herbs, they encounter deep beneficialial changes in their subtle, energetic body.
  • This subtle awakening appears only when the plants are not expired (they are no more than 2 years old) and when they are used without being boiled or heat up.
  • Exposure to high temperatures alters and even destroys the herb’s subtle energetic field. Beneficial plants were endowed by God with energetic structures that compensate for any unbalanced in the human structure.
  • When a healthy human being adequately uses certain herbs, they can have remarkable results, greater than their common abilities. One of these remarkable results is the awakening and amplification of the ability to transmute and sublimate the sexual, creative potential.
  • An important challenge for one in search for spiritual accomplishment is to transmute and sublimate the sexual, creative potential into superior energetic forms.
    Spiritual Practice and Herbs
  • Transmutation and sublimation imply to transform the sexual secretions (sperm for men and menstrual liquid for women) into energy. This energy is directed towards the higher levels of the being, thus becoming willing, emotional, mental, or spiritual energy.
  • This way, what the human being used to “throw away”, becomes an extraordinary source of energy that amazingly amplifies his abilities.
  • It is exactly like an atomic factory which produces energy enabling many sophisticated activities to be performed.
  • The more this sexual, creative potential is transmuted and sublimated to higher levels, the more our latent abilities are awakened (abilities that common people consider miraculous and paranormal) and the more rapid our spiritual evolution becomes.
  • There are certain yoga techniques (body postures (asanas), mudras, pranayama, meditation techniques) that, if practiced with perseverance, will result in better and better transmutation and sublimation of the sexual, creative potential.
  • The systematic use of certain beneficialial herbs is welcome when this process is difficult. The beneficialial herbs purify and harmonize the physical and subtle structure of the human being.
  • They also have a catalytic action on the transmutation into energy of the sexual, creative potential and on its sublimation to certain higher levels, according to the particularity of the herb used.
  • We shall now introduce some beneficialial herbs using their common name, their botanic name, the part that should be used and the best quantity.
These herbs purify the physical and subtle body and open the subtle channels through which energy flows (nadis).
Spiritual Practice and Herbs

That is why they have a preparatory role and must be used in the first stage of the systematic program for transmuting and sublimating the creative potential.

They also have a harmonizing effect on the human being. Each of the following herbs can be used in a dose of 4 grams a day (1 gram each administration).

1. ASWAGANDHA (Withania somnifera), root
2. CHERVIL (Anthriscus cerefolium), leaves
3. BURDOCK (Arctium lappa), root
4. WOODBINE (Lonicera caprifolium), leaves and flowers
5. GREEN TEA (Thea sinensis), leaves
6. SUN FLOWER (Helianthus annuus), petals
7. RINGELBLUME (Calendula officinalis), flowers
8. JASMIN (Jasminum officinale), leaves and flowers
9. STONE LICHEN (Cetraria islandica)
10. MADWORT (Galium aparine), aerial part
11. NEEM (Melia azadirachta), leaves
12. LADY’S BEDSTRAW (Galium verum), flowers
13. KNOT GRASS (Polygonum aviculare), aerial part
14. NETTLE (Urtica dioica), leaves

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