More precisely, Muladhara chakra lies in the area between anus and sex, and is the root of the three main nadi : Sushumna , Ida , and Pingala .
The traditional yogic texts state that the fundamental energy of a man – Kundalini – surrounds this center of force three and a half times.
The awakening and ascension of Kundalini through Sushumna nadi till the Sahasrara Chakra has as a direct effect the fusion with the Ultimate Reality.
Through the practice of various exercises, the yogi attempts to awaken the Kundalini energy and make it ascend along the spine, through Sushumna (the central nadi).
Bhadrasana is one pose recommended for the awakening of Kundalini. Simply sit in Bhadrasana but make sure you consult our article on Bhadrasana, in the Tantric Yoga section first.
The yogi is said to be fit for meditation if he/she may remain in this pose for 30-45 minutes without any problems.
Using appropriate music (you may consult our selection of meditation music) you can activate Muladhara chakra through Bhadrasana.
Focus your attention on Muladhara chakra for 30 minutes, during which time you should stay immobile. Perceive the activation of Muladhara chakra, greater vital energy, as well as a state of increased psychic tonus.

Swa means vital force, and adhisthana means abode, or residence. Its representation includes a six-petal lotus .
The yogi attempts to awaken this center through various asanas and make the sexual energy ascend through Sushumna nadi.

Sit in Sukhasana , eyes closed, spine straight, as described in the previous meditation exercise. Focus
your attention on Swadhisthana chakra. Make sure you stand as still as possible during all this while.
Using appropriate music (you may consult our selection of meditation music) you can activate Swadhisthana chakra through Sukhasana.
Focus your attention on Swadhisthana chakra for 30 minutes. Perceive the activation of Swadhisthana chakra along with a state of harmony and euphoria.
The third center of force, Manipura Chakra, is placed on a subtle level outside of the physical body, underneath the navel.
The corresponding element is fire ( tejas tattva ), and when this inner fire is balanced, it grants self-confidence, perfect health, a good assimilation of the food and a high energetic level, which allows a person to work hard without getting tired.
This center of force is represented as a lotus with ten petals. The bija mantra for the activation of Manipura Chakra is RAM .
The practitioner may awaken the fire from Manipura Chakra through the perseverant practice of certain asanas, bandhas, pranayama techniques and/or meditations.
The most powerful Hatha Yogic techniques activating Manipura Chakra are Nauli kriya and Uddiyana bandha.
As these techniques are dynamic, you cannot use them as support in the meditation on Manipura Chakra that we are about to introduce to you.
Consequently we suggest another asana activating the third center of force, namely Supta Vajrasana .
- Perform Supta Vajrasana. However, you have to practice this asana in advance, so that you may relax in this pose for 20-30 minutes, without any pain.
- Maintain this pose, without moving, focusing your attention on the area two widths of a finger beneath the navel, which is the location of Manipura Chakra.
- In order to enhance the activation of Manipura Chakra, you may use either music designed specifically for this purpose, or you can mentally repeat the bija mantra.
- If you want to use musical support for your meditation, you should check the Tantric Meditation Music section on our site.
- If you chose the second option, you will act in the following manner:
- Focus on the area beneath the navel and repeat the mantra RAM. After each repetition of the mantra, relax and listen calmly to the inner echo of this mantra.
- Do not allow other thoughts to disturb your concentration. Repeat the mantra constantly, and then listen to its echo in your inner universe.
- Perceive the activation of Manipura Chakra, it should come as a state of abandon in front of the divine will, as an expansion of your aura and as a state of trust and harmony.
Anahata Chakra or the heart center is placed in the middle of the chest, in the area known as the cardiac plexus.
This center of force is represented as a lotus with 12 petals, and the characteristic bija mantra for the activation of Anahata Chakra is YAM .
This center performs a kind of transition between the inferior chakras , associated to the instincts of survival and the upper chakras, involved in the elevated and spiritual aspects.
This center of force allows us to experience love, devotion, empathy, altruism, tenderness and connects us with the subtle energies of air ( vayu tattva).
In the case of a balanced activation of Anahata Chakra, the person will manifest affection, kindness, abnegation, a capacity for self-sacrifice, romanticism, magnetism, charisma and other comforting abilities.
- Sit in Yoga mudra. According to your preferences, you may use either a music designed especially for this purpose, or to mentally repeat the bija mantra.
- If you care to use a musical support for your meditation, you may check the Tantric Meditation Music section on our site.
- If you chose the second option, you will act in the following manner:
- Focus on the area of the chest and repeat mentally the mantra YAM. After each repetition of the mantra, relax and listen calmly the inner echo of this mantra.
- Do not allow other thoughts to disturb your concentration. Repeat the mantra constantly, and then listen its echo in your inner universe.
- Perceive the activation of Anahata Chakra, a state of abandonment, unconditional love, transfiguration, and a very pure universal kind of love.

The fifth center of force, Vishuddha Chakra, is placed on a subtle level outside of the physical body, at the base of the throat.
The corresponding element is ether and through resonance with this center of force, the practitioner also resonates with its subtle energies known as akasha tattva.
This center of force is represented as a lotus with 16 petals. The bija mantra for the activation of Vishuddha Chakra is HAM.
This center of force is connected to superior creativity, sublime inspiration, aesthetic experiences and eloquence.
The practitioner may awaken Vishuddha Chakra through the perseverant practice of certain asanas, bandhas, pranayama techniques and/or meditations.
In the case of a balanced activation of Vishuddha Chakra, the practitioner will manifest good communication skills and understanding, artistic talent, refinement, and a pleasant, attractive voice.
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Ardha Matsyendrasana |
- Sit in Ardha-Matsyendrasana. Close your eyes. Practice this asana as much as possible so that you
- may sit in it for 20-30 minutes, without any pain.
- Maintain this pose, without moving, focusing your attention on the area of the neck, which corresponds to the physical projection of Vishuddha Chakra.
- You can use either music designed specifically to aid your meditation, or you can mentally repeat the bija mantra. If you want to use musical support for your meditation, you should check the Tantric Meditation Music section on our site.
- If you chose the second option, you should act in the following manner:
- Focus on the area of the neck and mentally repeat the mantra HAM. After each repetition of the mantra, relax and listen calmly for the inner echo of this mantra.
- Do not allow any other thoughts to disturb your concentration. Repeat the mantra constantly, and then listen for its echo inside your inner universe.
- Perceive the activation of Vishuddha Chakra, and the awakening of your inner consciousness.
The sixth center of force, Ajna Chakra, is placed on a subtle level corresponding to the physical body, in the middle of the forehead.

Through Ajna Chakra the practitioner perceives and controls their mental energies. Ajna Chakra is also known as the third eye, because through the awakening of this center you will gain clairvoyance and infallible mental insight.
Certain yogic texts mention the fact that the third eye makes it possible to achieve a certain “visual” perception of the astral and mental phenomena and corresponding realities just as the physical eyes allow us to see the physical world.
The awakening of this center of force will grant you access to the various experiences of your individual soul during all its incarnations.
If this center of force is activated and balanced, you will benefit from becoming inventive, brilliant, a fast thinker, intuitive and philosophical. You will also obtain great mental insight and clarity and will be endowed with a strong moral and ethical sense.
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Padmasana |
- Perform Padmasana. Close your eyes. Make sure you have practiced this pose long enough so that
- you may relax in it for 20-30 minutes, without any pain.
- Maintain this pose, without moving, focusing your attention on the area of your forehead, which is the location of Ajna Chakra.
- You can use either music designed specifically to aid your meditation, or you can mentally repeat the bija mantra. If you want to use musical support for your meditation, you should check the Tantric Meditation Music section on our site.
- If you chose the second option, you should act in the following manner:
- Simply focus on the middle area of your forehead and mentally repeat the mantra AUM.
- After each repetition of the mantra, relax and listen calmly its inner echo. Do not allow any other thoughts to disturb your concentration.
- Repeat the mantra constantly, and then listen very carefully to its echo in your inner universe.
- Perceive then, the activation of Ajna Chakra, state of mental clarity, lucidity and balance.
Lie on a bed or on the floor for a minimum of 10 minutes. Close your eyes, and firmly and clearly visualize the “growth” of your energetic body. Make it grow more and more, perceiving the beneficialial cosmic energy that allows its growth.
Continue to expand your aura until you reach the ceiling of your room, or the sky above (in case you are outdoors).

Next, visualize your aura growing even more, beyond the room. Thus your aura may become as large as the place you live in. Expand your aura even more, as much as you can.
Limits do not exist. You may even feel your aura is as big as your town or the whole planet or even the solar system. Expand your aura until you feel you have the whole universe inside of you.
Perform this expansion technique for seven days and then repeat it ‘reversed’ (contraction) for another seven days.
Lie in bed or on the floor, just as mentioned before. Perceive your body and then begin the contraction stage as follows:
- Imagine your body becoming small, until it is the size of an atom, and further more, until this atom ends up dissolving into something unique and eternal that resides within you.
- At the end of the seven days of practicing this technique, you will realize that you can become so small from a subtle point of view, that you almost cannot “locate” yourself.
- Through these experiences, you will also realize through the expansion stage that you can become as infinite as the universe, and through the contraction stage you can become as small and invisible as an atom.
- Therefore, perform these exercises for several days in a row, just as previously described.
- After just ten-fifteen minutes of daily practice for two weeks, you will perceive a variety of beneficialial effects such as: state of inner harmony, plenitude, happiness, balance, and in the advanced stages, the practitioner may even attain samadhi.