Easy Methods For Balancing The Chakras

The Hindu Portal
The Chakras
MULADHARA CHAKRA Sit in a meditation position, with your back straight. Relax physically, emotionally and mentally as deeply as possible.

Visualize a bright red light that emerges from the ground and penetrates your being through the sacral area. Perceive how you are bathed in this bright red, vitalizing and regenerating light with each of your inhalations.

Focus on the color. Imagine: if this color had taste or smell, which would they be? Now totally identify yourself with it: become the bright red color.

Feeling this state, focus on the room you are in, on all the objects in it. Notice each ornament, each book, each object.

Perceive the texture of whatever you are wearing. Listen to the sounds from inside and outside the room. Perceive the smells.

Become conscious of yourself who is now in this room surrounded by all these things. Stand up, keep your back and head straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Imagine bright red roots growing from your soles, penetrating the earth and absorbing the vitalizing earth energy found there.

Remember: the deeper and firmer the roots are, the higher and the easier it will be for branches to rise to the sky.

EKAPADA UTTHITA PASCHIMOTTANASANA activates Muladhara Chakra. It confers a global state of vitality, force and dynamism.
Lie down on the floor and relax physically, emotionally and mentally as much as possible. With your eyes closed imagine that you are taking a walk in the forest.

Feel the energizing fragrance of the trees and mountain flowers from the path you follow. While barefoot, perceive the earth under your feet.

You can now hear in the distance the murmur of a small river. Head for the place where that pleasant and calming sound is coming from. You soon reach the small river whose amber water runs fast.

Imagine yourself taking this yellow water into your palms and drinking from it. Feel how this amber water fills your being with its golden light and freshens you up, conferring much energy.

Head downstream. You soon reach a wide lake. The water is mysterious and deep but very tempting. You take your clothes off and get into this refreshing and pleasant water.

Imagine that you are floating on your back on the surface of the water while this water caresses, purifies and comforts you. Feel the extraordinary state of well being that manifests when you get out of the water.

INDOLASANA activates Swadhisthana Chakra. It sublimates the inferior energies from this chakra to superior levels. By refining the energies from this level, it eliminates all tensions from the genital system.
If you become tired, sleepy and lack vitality when you come into contact with certain people, as if they are taking some of your energy, it is necessary to protect yourself.

When you come in contact with these people imagine that there is a mirror between you and them. Thus, any negative energy that these people emit is reflected and returns to them without being absorbed by your being.

Any positive energy that you emit returns to yourself and thus you can not be deprived of energy.

Another very efficient protective method is to visualize your entire being surrounded by a sphere of bright white light. Perceive this protective light during the whole day for as long as possible.

The beneficialial effects of this sphere will surprise you as it does not only protect you against negative energies but it also confers a general state of harmony, purity, aspiration and joy.

Another efficient method: lie down on the floor and relax. Breathe slowly, inhale and exhale at the abdominal level.

Be conscious of your breathing rhythm without changing it. After you become familiar with it, slow it down.

Imagine at the abdominal level a small sun that is warming you up. Perceive how the sunlight emits from your abdominal center (your solar plexus) and spreads its revitalizing and overwhelming energy through your entire body.

USHTRASANA activates Manipura Chakra. It intensely energizes the solar plexus, generates calm, will power and self confidence.
A very beautiful and profound way of harmonizing Anahata Chakra is to repeat in a transfiguring manner the prayer that Jesus Christ has given to us; “Our Father”.

Kneel in the middle of your room. Bring your hands together with your arms pressing your chest. Close your eyes and remove all thoughts, worries and other pre-occupations.

Humbly open your soul in front of our Holy Father. Joyfully evoke a moment of grace when you could feel His presence, when a miracle caused Him helped you, when He caressed your soul and made you happy like only He can.

Then begin to say “Our Father” with faith, power and love. Say this prayer seven times and feel how each utterance fills your soul with a greater and greater love for God, with joy and sensibility.

Feel the spiritual force, the faith and the wonder produced by the existence of God. Let his overwhelming presence surround you, penetrate your being and illuminate you. Live the happiness of love and the purity of the heart.

OUR FATHER (traditional version)
  • Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
  • Hallowed be Thy name;
  • Thy Kingdom come
  • Thy Will be done
  • on Earth as it is in Heaven.
  • Give us this day our daily bread,
  • and forgive us our trespasses
  • as we forgive those who trespass against us.
  • And lead us not into temptation
  • But deliver us from evil.
  • For the Kingdom,
  • The Power and the Glory are Yours
  • Now and for ever,
  • Amen.
The Oyster Pose activates Anahata Chakra. It generates a state of profound inner focus, the awakening and amplification of divine love in our soul.
One of the most efficient techniques for equilibrating and harmonizing this chakra is to observe the breathing process.

Sit in a meditation position or on a chair, with your back straight and your eyes closed. Relax physically and mentally as much as possible
then focus on the breathing process. Observe the breathing rhythm without changing it, be conscious that the inhaled air is energy and feel the air passing through the larynges.

If possible, visualize this area. Notice the light vibrations produced by the air here. Feel gradually the subtle vibrations from Vishuddha Chakra amplifying as you correlate them with the physical vibrations from the larynges. The state of consciousness changes and becomes more elevated, more refined.

ARDHA SETU BANDHASANA simultaneously activates the subtle force centers Manipura Chakra and Vishuddha Chakra. It generates a state of increased will, inner power, refinement, intuition and purity.
There are many focusing techniques that besides harmonizing and equilibrating the energies on this level also have many other beneficialial effects.

For harmonizing this subtle center of force we especially recommend Shambavi Mudra, yet another technique that can be done sitting on a chair with your back straight while deeply relaxed, physically and mentally.

Light a candle and keep it in front of your face, at the level of your eyes, at a few centimeters distance away. Watch the flame of the candle in a state of relaxation removing thoughts or other worries.

Close your eyes. In the space beyond your closed eyes you can notice that the flame of the candle is still visible. This image is called phosphene.

Focus on this image. Do not let any other image in your mind. When the image starts to fade, open your eyes and concentrate again on the flame of the candle.

Do this technique for five minutes in the beginning and then, as you become more familiar with the meditation, increase the practice time. Do this exercise daily for a few months. Write down all the transformations that occur in your being during this interval.

“THE TIP OF THE FOOT” ASANA activates the subtle force center Ajna Chakra. It amplifies mental harmony and generates a state of pure, unconditional happiness. It also elevates your ideals and aspiration towards God.
SAHASRARAAn efficient technique for equilibrating and harmonizing this subtle energetic center is done with your eyes closed and a deep psychical and mental relaxation.

Visualize a lotus bud with one thousand petals on the top of your head. Perceive and visualize how the flower starts to open slowly and how each petal that comes out shines like a sun ray that illuminates your body.

Feel how the shining white light of the rays and the energy associated with them spreads through your entire being and fills you with light. Each time that you feel Sahasrara activated you are closer to the kingdom of God as Sahasrara is like a gate to eternity and bliss.

ARDHA BADDHA PADMA PASCHIMOTTANASANA simultaneously activates the subtle force centers Muladhara Chakra and Sahasrara. It generates a global state of elevated consciousness due to the awakening of the fundamental energy Kundalini.

One of the simplest methods that facilitates the perception of the subtle effects of beneficialial herbs is to administrate under the tongue the dried powder from the indicated part of the plant.

For this, grind the part of the plant which is to be used by the means of an electric grinder. Put the powder under the tongue (moistening it with your own saliva) and keep it there for about 20 minutes.

During this interval it is advisable that you remain in a state of inner focus, with your eyes closed, in a meditation posture with your back straight and perceive the effects the herb generates in your being.

For activating the subtle force Muladhara Chakra:
CYNARAE FOLIUM, powder from the aerial part of the plant; 2 gr. (a tea spoon filled to the edge) 4 times a day

For activating the subtle force center Swadhisthana Chakra:
CINNAMON; powder from the bark; 1 gr. (half of a tea spoon filled to the edge) 4 times a day

For activating the subtle force center Manipura Chakra:
GINGER, powder from the root; 0.5 gr. 4 times a day

For activating the subtle force center Anahata Chakra:
ROSE; powder from the petals; 2 gr. (a tea spoon filled to the edge) 4 times a day

For activating the subtle force center Vishuddha Chakra:
SAGE; powder from the leaves; 1 gr. (half of tea spoon filled to the edge) 4 times a day

For activating the subtle force center Ajna Chakra:
RASPBERRY LEAVES; powder from the leaves; 2 gr. (a tea spoon filled to the edge) 4 times a day

For activating the subtle force center Sahasrara:
CALAMUS; powder from the root; 1 gr. (half of a tea spoon filled to the edge) once a day

Respect the indicated quantity because calamus administrated in bigger doses is toxic for the organism.

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