Cobra Pose - Tantra view

The Hindu Portal
3 minute read
tantra Cobra Pose
In Sanskrit, Bujanga means cobra. Thus, the translation of the term Bhujangasana is the “posture of the cobra”. Its name derives from the resemblance of this asana with the position of the cobra when it is ready to attack.

Begin by lying flat on your stomach. feet separated, soles upwards.
tantra Cobra Pose
Place your palms underneath your shoulder blades; make sure your elbows are placed next to the trunk and your chin on the floor.
tantra Cobra Pose
Lift your head slightly off the floor, push your palms down and lift your spine up as far as possible, bending your trunk backwards and keeping your hipbones on the floor. your spine is most flexed in the area between the shoulder blades
tantra Cobra Pose
The final pose of this asana: your arms are stretched, and your head is inclined towards the back, mouth is closed, and the body’s weight is placed on the arms.
Push your chest towards the front and make sure your neck is stretched. Place your head so that your spine is bent to its maximum.
tantra Cobra Pose
Maintain this pose for as long as you feel comfortable, then slowly lower your body to the floor, avoiding any sudden movement that might injure your spine.

When you come out of this pose make sure that you keep your chin on the floor, arms stretched next to the body as in the image below.
tantra Cobra Pose
Variant for the less flexible persons:
1. Begin by lying flat on your stomach, feet separated, and soles upwards.
2. Place your hands on the floor so that they are underneath your shoulders, your forearms parallel in front of you.
3. Bend your spine slowly backwards. Curve your spine mainly in its upper part.
4. The final pose of this asana: your head is inclined towards the back, mouth closed, the body’s weight is relying on the elbows, while the muscles in the feet, buttocks and back are relaxed.
5. Push your chest in front, make sure your neck is stretched and your hipbones are placed on the floor, and that your head is inclined towards the back so that your spine is bent to its maximum.
6. Maintain this pose for as long as you feel comfortable, then slowly lower your body to the floor, avoiding any sudden movement that might injure your spine.

  • While performing this asana you focus to perceive the cosmic energies activating Anahata Chakra. The feet catch the tellurian energies, which continue their route in a uniquely polarised energetic flow on the spine up to the heart area. We recall a state of euphoria experienced other times in order to accelerate and amplify the effects of this particular posture.
  • As a result of this asana you will perceive fine vibrations in the heart area, pure love radiating from Anahata Chakra. Once reaching the higher stages, the practitioner will be able to perceive the telepathic resonance with the universal love.
This asana is not recommended in case of hernia; if you suffer of hyper thyroid you will keep your head straight up, consequently you will not bend it towards the back.

  • This asana keeps the spine flexible and young. It rapidly eliminates hunchback, pains in the back, lumbago crisis, mialgia, etc.
  • Its perseverent practice brings to normal misplaced vertebras and ameliorates the irrigation of the spine and of the two rows of ganglions belonging to sympatic nervous system. Thus, this asana cures many functional disorders and even organic lesions.
  • The function of the thyroid and suprarenal capsules is normalised, causing benefits in certain cases of rheumatism.
  • This asana eliminates constipation, relieves indigestion and intestinal gas.
  • Liver, bile, pancreas, spleen, kidneys are favoured by this posture.
  • It also strengthens the uterus and eggs in the case of women, relieving menstrual pain and curing the lack of menstruation and dismenorea, as well as other genital disorders.
  • The practice of this asana makes a thin waist, develops harmoniously the muscles of the back and reduces fat. The body has wonderful proportions.
  • From a psychic point of view the practice of this asana: eliminates the feelings of uncertainty and inferiority, generates a tonic, spiritual, confident, loving attitude.
  • This asana awakens the fundamental energy of the human being, Kundalini.

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