
The Hindu Portal
The importance of this asana lies in the fact that it makes the spine more elastic.

  • Chakrasana tones the whole organism, adding dynamism and youth to our state of mind. It makes the spine more elastic, and releases the tensions present here.
  • Effects on the muscles: while practicing this asana, the musculature of the spine should be as relaxed as possible. This pose stretches the abdominal musculature, while fortifying the muscles of the arms and feet.
  • Effects on the bones and ligaments: the accentuated curve of the spine makes it supple and mobile. The action on the ligaments and tendons of the spine has important effects on the nervous activity.
  • Effects on the nervous system: as Chakrasana acts on the spine by stretching it, it generates reflex actions in the vegetative functions and tones the chains of ganglions situated on both sides of the spine.
  • Effects on the brain: the position of the head ensures a better irrigation of the brain with blood.
  • Effects on the abdominal organs: while practicing this asana, the abdominal cavity considerably modifies its form and volume, which leads to the elimination of the sanguine ptosis, and the congested organs will regain their normal volume.The main areas in which this asana acts are the liver, the pancreas and the stomach.
  • Owing to the effervescence that normally follows the practice of Chakrasana, it is advisable that the time for its practice is in the morning or afternoon, but not in the evening.
  • Effects on the heart and lungs: the organs placed above the diaphragm also benefit if you practice this asana, especially the heart, through the stretching of the aorta.The aorta is not a straight duct, it is a kind of extensible spiral, stretched by the pose of your body in Chakrasana.
  • The same effect of stretching determines a better function of the lungs and consequently a better state of health of the whole organism.
  • If, after practicing Sarvangasana you have a painful sensation of the shoulders, Chakrasana, practiced right after Sarvangasana, will bring relief to this sensation.
  • Subtle effects: this asana determines an overall effervescence of the energies in the whole body, and it does not activate a specific chakra. Its effects may be different from one time of practice to another. Our psychic state and our mental attitude are the only elements that determine the effects of this asana. However, after practicing it, you will definitely sense a state of well being and spontaneous enthusiasm.
The perseverant practice of this asana increases considerably the energy and vitality of the practitioner. It is also highly recommended for dancers.

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